Recruitment and Retention Checklist

In this blog let’s see the checklist for Dental Recruitment and Retention.

Have continuous/ongoing meetings

Between a new hire and your most tenured employee, you need to meet and check-in with your team members on a weekly basis to see how they are doing/feeling.

Think it through – Solutions

After you’ve done a thorough job on listening to what your employees have to say, this is when you need to put on your “thinking cap” and truly put together good solutions that work for your dental practice and could work well for the employees/team members as well on a potential solution to any issues that are arising in the practice related to patients, flow of practice, supplies, other team members, etc.

Time to Report Back – Next Meeting

Schedule a follow-up meeting, or report back during the next regularly scheduled meeting with your employee. Talk to them about how you truly listened and cared about what they said, and how you have thought through the potential solutions that you can put into effect.

Everyone’s Opinion Matters and Counts

Remember to always ensure that even if you come up with a solution as a Practice Owner/Leader, that doesn’t mean that everyone agrees with it! Ensure that you run by a couple of options to your team members, and see what works for everyone, and go with what is a majority wins situation. This way your solution is truly weighted, and everyone gets their opinion in on this matter.


Order lunch, think of things you can do together as a team, consistently thank your team for all their hard work. We’re not in an easy profession here, consistently do some team building exercises, be it go out for happy hour (virtual too!), bowling, etc. Consistently thank them for their hard work, and they will be committed to you for the long haul.


During these weekly meetings, put on your best listening ears, and listen to listen, not to respond. Truly hear out what your employees are talking about, and don’t give them immediate solutions if you don’t really have them


Start with a COMPELLING job ad/description – one that’s fun!

Don’t make the common mistake of just listing out essential duties and responsibilities, that’s a given! This is your chance to really sell the opportunity and give potential candidates a first impression about your practice and why they should work there.

During the Interview – DO IT WELL!

Be kind, courteous, and welcoming! Make the candidate feel at home, show them around, and introduce them to your team members. Ask them good questions to assess as to why they’re a fit and allow them to ask at ANYTIME during the interview, not just at the end. This will be the best way to attract the candidate and sell the opportunity to them in the best way possible. Don’t mess it up!

Scheduling of Interviews

This is the time to put your best foot forward, remember that most talent you want to hire is currently working and managing a personal/family life. Be respectful of this and ensure that you bend your schedule to meet with them based on their availability. This will go a long way and show that you truly care!

Seal the Deal – CLOSE THIS OUT!

This will happen after the interview, give the candidate a 24-hour business day break (but not longer)! Reach out to them to get their feelings via phone call, and if they truly are interested, don’t wait to schedule a second interview, as they will be scooped up by someone else by then! Ask them any follow up questions that you had after the interview during that call, and if this goes well, ask them about their interest level, and offer them the job! Once they verbally commit, back it up in writing with a formal offer letter or contract for Healthcare Recruitment.

Posted in Dentistry

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